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In one incident, an employee with the Reconstruction Agency shared unannounced residential construction plans in the tsunami-ravaged Tohoku region with a friend, using Google Groups. At the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, email exchanges regarding a reforestation project were revealed, specifying businesses the group had met with over several years.

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Wilson threw TD passes of 31 yards to Rice and 15 yards to Miller as Seattle opened a 14-0 lead early in the second quarter. Arizona clawed back with 10 points in 22 seconds, getting a 49-yard field goal from Feely and a Matt Shaughnessy sack of Wilson inside the 5-yard line to set up Rashard Mendenhall's 3-yard run. Steven Hauschka hit a 51-yard with five seconds left in the half to make it 17-10.

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China's copper imports in June rose nearly 6 percent fromMay, climbing for a second straight month to a 9-month high, assoft global prices and strong demand to use the metal for financing spurred purchases.

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He was the brutal prison guard who was Burt Reynolds' nemesis in the 1974 comedy-drama "The Longest Yard" and the sleazy gas station attendant in Alfred Hitchcock's last film, "The Family Plot." In "Death Wish 3," he was the violent cop who teams with Charles Bronson's vigilante to rid New York City's streets of criminals, not by incarcerating them but by killing them.

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Admitting privileges "won't make women safer and, in fact, could jeopardize their health by depriving women in Wisconsin access to safe, high-quality healthcare," said obstetrician-gynecologist Anne Davis in a statement released by Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.

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Global sales at McDonald's restaurants open at least 13months gained 0.9 percent in the third quarter, falling justshort of analysts' average estimate on softer-than-expectedresults in all of the company's major markets, according toConsensus Metrix.

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Corbett made his announcement after touring thePinnacleHealth Harrisburg Hospital emergency room. Hospitals,which often carry debt due to covering the cost of treatinguninsured patients, have lobbied his administration to find away to expand Medicaid rather than forfeit new federal fundingthat will begin in 2014.

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These are the people who will decide the next election. And if the parties can&#039;t appeal to these increasingly sceptical section of the electorate direct - then they will try to appeal to them through their children.

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The business has also forged strategic partnerships with Verified Clinical Trials, the US-based company set up to combat dual study enrolment, and with early-phase clinical research website JALR.org (Just Another Lab Rat).

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The conservatory has named the plant Romero after Pittsburgh filmmaker George Romero, the man behind the 1968 zombieВ cultВ classic "Night of the Living Dead," which was screened twice Wednesday night at the Phipps.

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But to remind the world about their heritage, Jaguar has helped the Coventry Transport Museum fill a gallery of their most trailblazing cars. To declare it officially open, the firm's CEO Ralf Speth presented the museum with the very first F-type off the production line.

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Still, the move is surprising in some ways, given thatVivendi has talked up its media assets as the company's futureafter it failed at the outset of its strategic review last yearto sell its 61 percent stake in Activision, its largest and mostprofitable media business.

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