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Metzler Securities analyst Guido Hoymann described the 3.5discount agreed by Commerzbank as "only a small amount", butadded that the deal does not lead to a significant improvementof the bank's capital base.

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But that line fell apart on Sunday. And on Monday, there were more signs that Snee, now 31, is not well. According to a source, the veteran lineman had an MRI on his hip. Snee also had hip surgery in the offseason, after battling hip problems throughout the 2012 season.

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R&B artist Keyshia Cole may be a huge name in the music business, but she's also the gorgeous wife of former Cleveland Cavaliers baller Daniel Gibson. The couple began dating in March 2009 and welcomed their first child, Daniel Hiram Gibson Jr. in March 2010.

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Under the 2010 Coalition Agreement, the Lib Dems will abstain when the tax break is put before the Commons. George Osborne, the Chancellor, will announce how he will fund the £1.2bn a year of extra spending in his autumn statement later this year. Treasury sources suggested it could mean cuts elsewhere.

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"All the information we have is converging to indicate there was a chemical massacre in Syria, near Damascus, and that Bashar Assad's regime was behind it," Fabius told reporters during a visit to the West Bank city of Ramallah. He did not elaborate.

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