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Форум официального фан-клуба Элвиса Пресли "How Great Thou Art" / Флейм по Элвису / Флэйм по Элвису.

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Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 21-01-2006 18:47

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 412
Добавлено: 21-01-2006 19:22
Wolfy, этому сборнику уже ровно год . Просто это обложка только что изданного германского издания. В Израиле BMG выпустил его совсем с другим оформлением . Я особо не следил, но выходит, что это уже 3-й вариант дизайна Love, Elvis Тянут из die-hard'ов денюжку

For The Good Times (previously unreleased) вот эту песню они добавили или она изначально была ?

Вроде да.

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 412
Добавлено: 21-01-2006 19:23

И что?

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 2376
Добавлено: 21-01-2006 19:24
Типа бусурман, буддист и христианин.

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 21-01-2006 19:54
И что?

Типа бусурман, буддист и христианин.

Если серьёзно,просто так выложил, а получилось как сказал andy =)))
Блин ну нафлудите кто-нибудь, скучно сидеть на форуме одному. Давай те поспорим хотя бы, я притворюсь плохим парнем и буду говорить, что музыка Элвиса фигня, а вы меня будете убеждать в обратном, ааа куда все делись ?

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 22-01-2006 15:45
Buffalo Courier-Express.
June 25, 1976

Elvis to Wiggle Tonight Before 17,950


It's not unusual for Elvis Presley fans to travel hundreds of miles for a glimpse of the man's eternal wiggle, now powered by a 42-inch waistline.

Presley will give them the opportunity when he performs at 8 tonight before some 17, 950 fans in Memorial Auditorium.

In a recent Memphis concert, one partisan exclaimed "I don't care how fat he is ... if he weights 300 pounds, I would still love him."

The public's 20-year infatuation with "Elvis the Pelvis" shows no signs of diminishing even now, as Presley moves into his 40s and fights a battle with weight, as well as other undisclosed illnesses.

Статья из газеты 1976 года.

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 22-01-2006 15:58
The Indianapolis Star:
Elvis performs in true Presley style before 18,000
By Rita Rose


Elvis looks great and Elvis sounds great!" exclaimed comedian Jackie Kahane to 18,OOO enthusiastic, sweaty-palmed fans at Market Square Arena last night.

And Indianapolis once again prepared to great royalty-the hip-swivelling singer who has been called the King of rock 'n' roll since the Mid-1950s.

Elvis. His name was everyhwere: on posters, buttons, souvenir books, T-shirts, hats, and homemade clothes that proclaimed with personal touches, admiration for a man idolized by millions.

The big question was, of course, had he lost weight? His last concert here, nearly 2 years ago, found Elvis overweight, sick and prone to give a lethargic performance. As the lights in the Arena was turned down after intermission, you could feel a silent plea rippling through the audience: Please, Elvis, don't be fat.

And then he appeared, in a gold and white jumpsuit and white boots, bounding onstage with energy that was a relief to everyone. At 42, Elvis is still carrying around some excess baggage on his mid-section, but it didn't stop him from giving a performance in true Presley style.

His opening number, the audience-grabbing C.C. Rider," got his portion of the show off to a flash-bulb-popping, hand-clapping start. His Amen," in which he encouraged everyone to lap and sing along, seemed to bring everyone together, as did "Jailhouse Rock" and "I got a woman."

His older numbers seemed to draw more applause, although just about everything he did created mass hysteria, especially his "leg jerks." (In case you have never seen Elvis, this particular maneuver consist of one singer, standing perfectly still with his legs apart, then making his legs ripple like jelly, completing the action with moving first one leg and then the other bruptly to each side.)

Elvis has limited his karate movements, but the stances he takes with his guitar generated screams and shrieks from delighted fans. One of his best numbers, we feel, was "It's Now Or Never," followed by a medley of his hits. He also offered "This Time You Gave Me A Mountain," and "Fairytale," plus several others. He also did his famous "I uh, we uh, well, well, well, well, well, well" monologue, which seems to turn dyed-in-the- rood Elvis fans on. He coveted scarves, tossed into the audience after gracing the singer's neck, caused mad scrambles by the stage as he got rid of them just about as fast as they were put around his neck. The fans were well-behaved, considering the usual ampedes that take place at rock concerts.

The first half of the show consisted of the usual stuff - the Stamps singing, Jackie Kahane with his Elvis jokes, and The Sweet Inspirations in song. But we'll mention them only briefly, since most fans just want read about the King.

The packed Arena was indication enough that Elvis is still as popular as ever. Well, well, well, well!

Вот эта тоже интересная, тогда никто не знал, что это последний концерт Элвиса.

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 23-01-2006 15:57
CONCERT DATE: December 30, 1976. Atlanta, GA

The Atlanta Journal
December 31, 1976

Elvis Is Back - Slimmer, Healthier Presley Shows Adoring Fans He's In Top Form Again
By Scott Cain


There's good news for Presley fans: Elvis is back in the groove.

This Thursday show at the Omni was tops, the best possible year-end present for his Atlanta fans.

From a vocal standpoint, Elvis was operating at his peak, both in tonal quality and exertion. He has lost a little weight and looks much healthier than he did last June. His vitality is restored and he was full of pep. Furthermore, he was in a good mood. He was giving his best and knew it, adding a wonderful aura of self-confidence to the show.

The concert was unique in many respects. You haven't lived until you have seen the king of rock 'n' roll lying flat on his back on the stage. And who would ever have thought that the king of rock 'n' roll could be upstaged while in just that position?

This happened while Elvis was giving a particularly powerful rendition of "Hurt." He was going through an elaborate display of theatrics, culminating in a swirling motion in which he revolved closer and closer to the floor, finally lying down.

This brought a wild ovation, during which a determined mother pushed her young daughter, perhaps 6 years old, onto the platform. The girl boldly stalked up to Elvis, who was still prostrate. Elvis took this interruption in stride, bestowing a warm hug on the child.

The program also was unusual in that Elvis revealed himself as an acceptable pianist. He plopped down at the keyboard and accompanied himself as he sang a lovely version of "Unchained Melody." His piano playing which consisted largely of a few simple chords, has more in common with saloon technique than with Horowitz, but it was still an expected bonus.

Elvis gave an uncommonly long performance. He did 25 songs in more or less full form, plus snippets of numerous others. His part of the show lasted an hour and a half, which is substantially longer than has been his custom.

There were virtually no lags, either. Elvis stopped one song because he felt the tempo was wrong and he halted another because he was having trouble getting into the same key as his band, but these were only minor lapses.

Hie repertoire ran the gamut. He opened with "C.C. Rider," and performed such Presley classics as "Jailhouse Rock," "That's All Right, Mama," "Hound Dog," "Amen," "It's Now or Never," and "Fairy Tale."

Elvis shrewdly built the momentum of the performance, and the core of the show was centered on his no-holds-barred interpretations of "My Way," "Working on the Chain Gang," "Early Morning Rain," and "Love Letters."

The Presley audience was beside itself with glee. The fanaticism of his fans has reached such a peak that Elvis sometimes has difficulty staying in control of the situation.

He was able to restrain the fury somewhat. He has sharply reduced the scarf-giving and the kissing. He gave away about 15 scarves and kissed only three or four of his feminine admirers.

He did not accept as many gifts from the audience as he has done previously, but the ones he got were notable for their diversity. One girl gave him something that looked like a shrunken head. It had a tongue that went in and out and, when a string was pulled, emitted a hideous laugh.

Still another fan had baked Elvis a two-layer birthday cake, with a king's crown on top and an abundance of flaming candles all around. When Elvis accepted this donation. The audience warbled "Happy Birthday" to him, even though he will not be 42 until next month.

The concert had been sold out weeks in advance and Elvis reassured his squealing fans that he will return any time they want him.

The most notable member of the audience was the defeated candidate for the office of mayor of Plains, Georgia. When Billy Carter entered the auditorium during intermission, he attracted as much attention as Jacqueline Onassis did in her heyday.

Это нужно заставлять читать всех считающих, что в конце 70-ых Элвис был не популярен.

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 23-01-2006 16:37
Может поучавствуем в конкурсе ?

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 23-01-2006 23:17
Вот такой у меня вопрос, у кого какие концертные бутлеги 1976-1977 годов, я сейчас крепко подсел на этот период,хотелось бы узнать
Кот Баюн буду премного благодарен, если вы посмотрите в своей коллекции бутлегов, пожалста

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 23-01-2006 23:54
Wolfy, здесь ещё такой момент! Буты - продукт специфический да и не лежат они на прилавках в ассортименте - ходи выбирай! Так что, по возможности записывай всё, что попадается

Это точно, я вживую (ну то есть с полиграфией и т.д.) ни одного бутлега в Москве не видел.
Wolfy, я постараюсь в след месяце отправить всякую всячину по Элвису в Россию и закатаю кое-что из бутлегов! мне сложно что-то советовать

Будем ждать

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 1178
Добавлено: 24-01-2006 11:58
Кот Баюн, а ты не подскажеш насчет сайта ebay.com? Надежная тема? У тебя был опыт заказа через них?

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 1178
Добавлено: 24-01-2006 12:37
Спасибо! нашел форум про eBay. Буду изучать.

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 1178
Добавлено: 24-01-2006 13:23
звиняйте за флуд. почитал вот тут: http://www.ebay-forum.ru/phpBB2/
Понял что это не для меня . Борыги-посредники сплошные и т.д. Где цивилизация???

Группа: Модераторы
Сообщений: 1178
Добавлено: 24-01-2006 13:33
только http://eil.com
Кот Баюн, у них нету заветных: Elvis "TTWII - The Best of The Outtakes Vol. 1,2 Правда есть on Tour на DVD

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 2049
Добавлено: 26-01-2006 03:17
А я только что в ...ый раз посмотрела Алоху...под впечатлением! И в очередной раз убедилась, что, при всей моей не маленькой коллекции, это остаётся моим любимым видео. Обожаю этот концерт!!!

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 1313
Добавлено: 26-01-2006 13:37
Юлия про последний концерт 26 июня тоже не забывай обещала заценить.

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 412
Добавлено: 26-01-2006 13:43
А я только что в ...ый раз посмотрела Алоху...под впечатлением! И в очередной раз убедилась, что, при всей моей не маленькой коллекции, это остаётся моим любимым видео. Обожаю этот концерт!!!

Я видел намного меньше концертов, чем вы, но Алоху просто обожаю, даже не знаю, что может быть лучше. Вокал Элвиса там, по-моему, лучший из всех его концертов (особенно You gave Me My Mountain, What Now My Love, American Trilogy..... да все супер!!).

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 2736
Добавлено: 26-01-2006 13:52
Лучше может быть "Камбэк", например, или концерты 69 в Вегасе. Это всё на любителя, конечно, для меня эти лучшие. "Алоха" тоже красавец. Элвис, публика... Всё безупречно.

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 2376
Добавлено: 26-01-2006 14:23
А мне вот Алоха не нравится. Больше спектакль, а не концерт. Но поет Элвис и там бесподобно.

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Форум официального фан-клуба Элвиса Пресли "How Great Thou Art" / Флейм по Элвису / Флэйм по Элвису.