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(((_NucleaR * ForuM_))) / Duke Nukem / Дюкизмы

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Добавлено: 30-11-2008 13:24
Дюкизмы - фразы Дюка. (от Англ. Dukeism)

Пишем сюда все старые и новые дюкизмы, а также их переводы.

Местная знаменитость
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 973
Добавлено: 20-12-2008 21:23
[from trailer]
Duke Nukem: I'm looking for some alien toilet to park my bricks. Who's first?
[from trailer]
Unnamed Man: Man this thing is really pissed off!

Duke Nukem: Your face. Your ass. What's the difference?
Duke Nukem: What are you waiting for? Christmas?
Duke Nukem: It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
Duke Nukem: You're an inspiration for birth control.
[after stepping in alien feces]
Duke Nukem: Shit Happens...
Duke Nukem: Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!
Duke Nukem: Groovy!
Duke Nukem: Uh, Uh, Uh. Where is it?
Duke Nukem: I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck!
Duke Nukem: [after entering a secret area and finding Snake from Escape from L.A. dead, torn in half, and hanging on chains] I guess he didn't escape from L.A.
[Nintendo 64 version only]
Duke Nukem: Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!
[after an earthquake shakes the level]
Duke Nukem: I ain't afraid of no quake!
Duke Nukem: What are you? Some bottom-feeding, scum sucking algae eater?
Duke Nukem: Lucky son of a bitch!
[says it everytime Duke kills the boss of the episode]
Duke Nukem: Die, you son of a bitch!
Duke Nukem: Damn, you're ugly.
[Duke examines the Duke Nukem II arcade machine]
Duke Nukem: Hmm, don't have time to play with myself.
[seeing a torn corpse of a Space Marine from Doom]
Duke Nukem: Hmm, that's one "Doomed" Space Marine.
Duke Nukem: This is K-T-I-T. KTIT. Playing the breast... Uh... The best tunes in town!
Boss 1: Who... the... hell... are you?
[Duke shoots the bosses' head and kills him]
Duke Nukem: I'm Duke Nukem. And I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards!
Duke Nukem: Let god sort 'em out.
Duke Nukem: Heh, Heh, Heh, what a mess!
Duke Nukem: [singing horribly] "Born To Be Wiiillllddd!"
Duke Nukem: Damn. Those Alien maggots booby trapped the sub!
Duke Nukem: I should have known those alien maggots booby trapped the sub.
Duke Nukem: I'm going in.
Duke Nukem: I think you need some down time...
Duke Nukem: Looks like it's time for me to go POSTAL!
Duke Nukem: Nukem 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!
Duke Nukem: Get the crap outta here!
Duke Nukem: [checking out office computer playing duke3d] Get back to work you slacker!
Duke Nukem: Damn, that's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride!
Duke Nukem: And I thought 10 guns was hard to carry!
Duke Nukem: ...and I thought cigars tasted bad!
Duke Nukem: Ahhhh... much better!
Duke Nukem: This really pisses me off!
Tape Recorder: This tape will self destruct in 1 second!
Fat Commander: Suck it down!
Duke Nukem: [upon blowing up an Assault Commander with the RPG] Suck it down!
Duke Nukem: My name's Duke Nukem. After some few days of R&R, I'll be ready for some more action!
Woman: Aww, come back to bed, Duke! I have ready for some action, nowww!
Duke Nukem: [sometimes says it after finishing a level] Ready for action!
Duke Nukem: It's down to you and me, you one-eyed freak!
Cycloid Emperor: [shareware version closing line] Duke, if you think you're a badass, come face us in the final missions. Or else, earth with fall and you will die a coward. The choice is yours.
Duke Nukem: Somebody's gonna freakin pay for screwin up my vacation.
Duke Nukem: [whenever an alien is blown to bits] Oooooooooh, that's gotta hurt!
Duke Nukem: [after looking at himself in a mirror] Damn! I'm looking good!
Duke Nukem: [after discovering 3 women in a hidden room] Hmmm, my kind of party! I wish I had time!
Duke Nukem: [after discovering Luke Skywalker's corpse hanging upside down] Now this is a force to be reckoned with!
Duke Nukem: [after seeing an ID4 spaceship hovering over Duke Burger on a screen] Nobody jacks with our Independence!
Duke Nukem: [after entering a back room in Duke Burger] Nobody messes with my meat!
Duke Nukem: Let's Rock!
Duke Nukem: [sometimes says it after squishing an alien] Bitchin!
Duke Nukem: Yo ho ho, and a bottle of Jack!
Duke Nukem: [upon seeing an Assault Trooper blowing up after it crosses an activated Laser Tripbomb] Blow it out your ass!
Duke Nukem: [sometimes says it after an alien squishes itself when passing through a wall] Eat shit and die!
Duke Nukem: We meet again, Doctor Jones!

Duke: It's time to deliver max pain on the a-train.
Duke: Say hello to my little friend.
Duke: [after trying to open a locked door via a control panel] Mother fucking keycards!
Duke: Half man, half animal... ALL dead.
Duke: I hate pigs.
Duke: Makin' bacon.
Duke: So many babes, so little time.
Duke: [after he dies and respawn] Hm... so there IS life after death.
Duke: Ooh... That's gonna leave a mark.
Duke: There's only two ways this can end, and in both of them you die.
Duke: Life is like a box of ammo.
Duke: Confucius say "Die".
Duke: Babes, bullets, bombs. Damn, I love this job!
Duke: I'm not gonna fight you. I'm gonna kick your ass!
Duke: It's my way, or... hell, it's my way!
Duke: Your kung-fu is through!

Silverback: And once I've disposed of you, we will be done with this pitiful dirt you call a home.
Duke Nukem: Well, enough talk then. Come get some! Oh, Silverback, one more thing. I'm gonna enjoy pissin' on your dead body!
Duke Nukem: That'll teach those alien maggots not to mess with my planet. Now, it's time for some serious R&R, "Duke stylе". Hail to the king, baby!
Duke Nukem: [says it sometimes when you let Duke die] I ain't got time to bleed!
Duke Nukem: [sometimes says it when you let Duke die and says this with Arnold Schwarzenegger's accent] I'll be back!
[says it sometimes when you make Duke kill an enemy]
Duke Nukem: Mess with the best, die like the rest.
[says it when you make Duke destroy the Motherbrain]
Duke Nukem: That'll shut that bionic-bitch up!
[says it when Duke collects a Jetpack for the first time]
Duke Nukem: Oooh, a Jetpack! I'm a bird! I'm a plane! I'm Duke Nukem!

Duke Nukem: I HATE bacon!
Duke Nukem: Squeal piggy, SQUEAL!
Duke Nukem: Is it true that you Roman girls have Roman hands? Heh heh heh heh.
Duke Nukem: Friends, Romans, countrymen... lend me your chicks.
Duke Nukem: Little pig, little pig, let me in, or I'll huff and puff and kick your ass in!
[Duke talks to the female hooker]
Hooker: Turn off the light and I'll show you the meaning of pain!
[during a secret FMV where Duke is in his kilt outfit and then he reveals his butt under his kilt]
Duke Nukem: Knight me or bite me, man!
Woman's Voice: Ohh! Do that again!
[when Duke faces Moloch The Gatekeeper]
Duke Nukem: Let's settle this once and for all!
[says it sometimes if you make Duke stand for a while]
Duke Nukem: [impatient] What are you waiting for, Christmas?
[says it sometimes if you make Duke draw his Shotgun]
Duke Nukem: Suck by boomstick!
[says it when you make Duke activate the switch to move the subway]
Duke Nukem: All aboard!
[says it sometimes if you make Duke switch to his kicking attack stance]
Duke Nukem: I'll kick you in the "nuts"!

Duke Nukem: It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all out of gum!
Duke Nukem: Who wants some?
Duke Nukem: Nobody steals our chicks and lives!
Duke Nukem: Damn... those alien scums are going to pay for shooting up my ride!
Duke Nukem: [picks up a first aid kit after having very low health] Ooh! I needed that!
Duke Nukem: [sees an arcade game of "Duke Nukem"] Hmmm, don't have time to play with myself.
Duke Nukem: Let's Rock!

The Terminator (1984)
- Duke Nukem says "I'm back" with a weird accent.
Lethal Weapon (1987)
- In the opening movie Duke Nukem is at a shooting alley and there he shoots a smile

А вам слабо????

Бог форума
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Добавлено: 20-12-2008 21:28
Ух ничё се!

Местная знаменитость
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Добавлено: 20-12-2008 21:35
Ух ничё се!

А ты знаешь все фразы Дюка наизусть?

Главный танкист форума
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Добавлено: 20-12-2008 21:37
Да он и половиной не пользуется!

Местная знаменитость
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Сообщений: 973
Добавлено: 20-12-2008 21:39
Не мудрено! Лично я фраз с последних 3-х абзацев вообще не знал! Потому что они из Соньковских Слэшеров!

Бог форума
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Добавлено: 20-12-2008 21:46
Я много фраз знаю, очень много, но какой в этом смысл? Я сам высказываю и озвучиваю такие фразы которые в дальнейшем тоже на цитаты разбирают. Я сам себе ДЮК!

Местная знаменитость
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Сообщений: 973
Добавлено: 20-12-2008 21:48
Я много фраз знаю, очень много, но какой в этом смысл? Я сам высказываю и озвучиваю такие фразы которые в дальнейшем тоже на цитаты разбирают.

Лично я теперь использую в любом подходящем для этого случае одну твою фразу:"спорить с тренером по борьбе может только тренер по стрельбе"! А с твоим произношением, она меня в экстаз приводит!

Бог форума
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Добавлено: 20-12-2008 22:06
Лично я теперь использую в любом подходящем для этого случае одну твою фразу:"спорить с тренером по борьбе может только тренер по стрельбе"! А с твоим произношением, она меня в экстаз приводит!

Ну вот тебе и пример, сам же и сказал. Кстати не мало фраз из разных частей игры было взято из различных фильмов и т.д. Например фраза "bookem Deno".

Главный танкист форума
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Сообщений: 2638
Добавлено: 20-12-2008 22:07
И как в переводе?

Бог форума
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Добавлено: 20-12-2008 22:11
И как в переводе?

Запиши их, Дено ( вроде так )

Звезда форума
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Добавлено: 31-01-2010 22:56
I hate kick my own ass, but it gotta be done! - из какогото трелера

Легенда форума
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Сообщений: 3035
Добавлено: 01-02-2010 00:13
фразы из Duke Nukem Land of babes и time to kill на PSP

just lages time to kill

ooooh jo mi yaaa


"воинственно" WEST IN PISSIS!!!!!!

Hmmm. A red crystal. And looks as a piece of a shit

"удивлённо" Green cristal.

ну их там тоже немало) Сорри за ошибки но я слова инглишные неочень хорошо разбираю) Думаю что разберете

Легенда форума
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3035
Добавлено: 02-02-2010 13:58
откопал веееееесь список фраз!

Duke Nukem

Also known as "Duke Nukum"

* Forget it metal breath, I'll just kick your butt and still have time to watch Oprah.

[edit] Duke Nukem II

* Why I'm So Great [Duke Nukem's autobiography].

[edit] Duke Nukem 3D

Duke Nukem 3D (1996)

* "Born to be wild!" [after singing Steppenwolfs song 'Born To Be Wild' on the microphone in the 3rd episode of Duke Nukem 3D, Shrapnel City, level 1]
* Ah... much better! [after peeing on the toilet]
* Bitch'in'!
* Blow it out your ass!
* Born to be wiiiiiiild... [singing in a karaoke]
* Come get some! [reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 3]
* Come on! [after the player has been away from keyboard for a while]
* Damn it!
* Damn!
* Damn, I hate disco!
* Damn, I'm good!
* Damn... I'm looking good! [after looking at himself in a mirror]
* Damn, those alien bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride.
* Damn, you're ugly. [in reference to Predator]
* Game over!
* Get away from her, you bitch! [in reference to Aliens]
* Die, you son of a bitch! [after defeating the Mini Battlelords]
* Get back to work, you slacker! [checking out office computer playing duke3d]
* Go ahead, make my day. (reference to the phrase "Go ahead, make my day" written by Joseph C. Stinson and spoken by the ch aracter Harry Callahan from the 1983 film 'Sudden Impact')
* Gonna rip you a new one.
* Guess again, freakshow. I'm coming back to town, and the last thing that's gonna go through your mind before you die... is my size- 13 boot!
* Groovy! [reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 2]
* Hail to the king baby! [reference to Ash's quote from Evil Dead 3]
* Heh, heh, heh... what a mess! [After an enemy dies violently (exploding))
* Hmm, don't have time to play with myself. [Duke examines the Duke Nukem II arcade machine]
* Hmm, that's one "Doomed" Space Marine.[seeing a torn corpse of a Space Marine from Doom]
* Holy cow!
* Holy shit!
* I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck. [reference to Sergeant Hartman in Full Metal Jacket]
* I'm gonna get medieval on your asses! [reference to Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction]
* I'm gonna kick your ass, bitch!
* I'm gonna put this smack dab on your ass!
* I've got balls of steel. [examining the Duke Nukem pinball machine in an arcade]
* I ain't afraid of no quake! [in reference to ID Software's Quake PC Game]
* I like a good cigar...and a bad woman...
* It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum. (Predated by "Rowdy" Roddy Piper in They Live who says: I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubble gum. [1])
* It's down to you and me, you one-eyed freak! [when encountering the Emperor]
* It's time to abort your whole freaking species! [After defeating the Queen]
* Kill them all and let God sort 'em out!
* Let's rock!
* Let's go surfin' now. Everybody's learning how. Come on and safari with me. [singing Beach Boys' 'Surfin Safari']
* Looks like cleanup on aisle four.
* Love, exciting and new. [singing 'The Love Boat' by Paul Williams and Charles Fox]
* My boot, your face; the perfect couple.
* My name is Duke Nukem - and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards! [After defeating the Battlelord]
* No way I'm eating this shit!
* Nobody steals our chicks... and lives!
* Now this is a force to be reckoned with! [after discovering Luke Skywalker's corpse hanging upside down]
* Nuke 'em 'till they glow, then shoot 'em in the dark!
* Oh...your ass is grass and I've got the weed-whacker.
* Ooh, that's gotta hurt. (says sarcastically after blowing up enemy corpses)
* See you in Hell!
* Shake it, baby!
* Shit happens. [after stepping in alien feces]
* Staying alive, staying alive, la. [singing Bee Gees 'Staying Alive']
* Suck it down!
* This really pisses me off!
* That's gonna leave a mark!
* We meet again, Doctor Jones! [after discovering Indiana Jones corpse hanging]
* What are you waitin' for? Christmas? [after the player has been away from keyboard for a while]
* What are you? Some bottom-feeding, scum-sucking algae eater?
* Who wants some?
* Yeah, piece of cake!
* Yippie ka-yay, mother[beep]er! [reference to Bruce Willis, in the Die Hard Films]
* You guys suck!
* You're pissing me off!
* You're an inspiration for birth control.
* Your face, your ass, what's the difference?
* You wanna dance?
* Wohoo!

[edit] Duke Nukem: Time to Kill

Duke Nukem: Time to Kill (1998)

* Eat shit and die!
* Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your chicks. (When duke travels to the Roman Story)
* Have you seen my rubber...duckie?
* Hey! Get your ass out of here, Rubbe, and bring me back my chicks! [to a male stripper]
* I'll blow you a new hole!
* I'm God's gift to women!
* I got no time to bleed! /Reference to Predator/
* I love the smell of bacon in the morning /Reference to Apocalypse Now and the smell of the napalm in the morning/
* I make this look good. /Reference to Men in Black/
* Lara, is that you? [after picking up a pay phone and listening to a moaning babe]/Reference to Tomb Raider'a Lara Croft/
* Looks like it's TIME TO KILL! (when you 1st start the game)
* My home away from home! [in reference to a strip club]
* Suck my boomstick [After killing an enemy with a shotgun/ Reference to the Evil Dead series.]
* The bigger they are, the harder they bleed!
* There's new sheriff in town. (pronounced in a southern accent when in the western story)
* What the hell are you waiting for? Christmas? (after waiting for too long)
* You make a great belt (after killing a lizard)
* Little pig, Little pig let me in? Or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll kick your ass in!
* Rubba dub dub getta out of the tub.
* Mmmm! Who wants bacon with the eggs? /After killing Pig Cops/
* Has anyone seen Mr. Hanky? (after jumping down a well in the western story)

[edit] Duke Nukem: Zero Hour

Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (1999)

* Blow it out your knees!
* Don't worry about it, saving chicks is what I'm all about!
* Who the hell are you? My evil twin? (Talking to future self)
* Now hear me! Aliens have traveled to the past, trying change history. I went back and fought them! But my time machine was destroyed, and now I can no longer chase them through time![…]But remember, if you don't go back and make things right, Earth's history will forever change, and mankind could be wiped out!
* Well...so much for my vacation-time.
* Chestnuts roasting... as I open fire (In reference to the Christmas carol 'Chestnuts roasting ON an open fire')
* Ahhh, smell those traffic fumes. And no damn aliens! Time for some R & R!
* What the *bleep* is goin' on here?!
* Looks like the crap has hit the fan. (upon arriving at the thrashed Duke Burger)

[edit] Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes

Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (2000)

* Well, enough talk then. Come get some! Oh, Silverback, one more thing. I'm gonna enjoy pissin' on your dead body!
* Welcome to "Cool's-Ville", Population: ME
* I'm your worst nightmare, you uninvited alien scum-sucker! And right now you're all that stands between me and a planet full of babes - so get ready to bend over and kiss your ass goodbye!

[edit] Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project

Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project (2002)

* Ah, New York! It's my kind of town. If I can kill 'em here...I can kill 'em anywhere! / Reference to Frank Sinatra's song "New York" ("If I can make it there, I'll make it anywhere...")
* Babe: "Duke, you're my hero!" Duke: "You must be 18 or older to ride."
* Babes, bullets, bombs. Damn - I love this job!
* Come on out, Morphix. There's just two ways this can end, and in both of them, you die!
* Crouching mutant, hidden pipebomb! (reference to the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon")
* Dance for me, baby!
* Death before Disco! (when Duke enters E2L3)
* Guns don't kill mutants, I kill mutants.
* Half man, half animal, all dead.
* Hey, careful with those things! (after rescuing a babe)
* Hmm, so there is life after death... (after respawning)
* Hmmm... That's gonna leave a mark. (when he blows up enemies)
* I always said, if there was a way to go, it'd have something to do with women, whips, and oil...
* I am king of the world, baby! (reference to the 1997 film "Titanic")
* I'm equal opportunity asskicker!
* I could use some new boots. (when Duke encounters a mutant crocodile)
* I go, where I please, and I please, where I go. (after rescuing a babe)
* I like big guns, and I cannot lie. (when rocket launcher is selected, reference to Sir Mix-A-Lot's song "Baby Got Back")
* I see dead people. (when he blows up enemies, reference to the film The Sixth Sense)
* It's a good day to die! (reference to Worf from Star Trek: The Next Generation)
* It's my way or... Hell, it's my way! (After blowing up a subway car)
* Life is like a box of ammo. (when assult rifle is selected, reference to the film Forrest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolates...")
* Makin'...bacon! (after killing a pig cop)
* Mother[beep] keycards!
* Someone´s gonna pay for making me find these motherfucking keycards!
* No token, no ride! [when he kills a mutant on the subway] (reference to Indiana Jones "Zeppelin Scene")
* No disassembling required. (after killing a robot/mech)
* Pucker up, buttercup! (when Duke encounters a fembot)
* Rest in pieces! (when he blows up enemies)
* Say "hello" to my little friend! (when pipebombs are selected, reference to "Scarface")
* So many babes, so little time.
* So, who want's to dance?! (after rescuing a babe)
* Someone's gonna pay for making me find these friggin' key cards...
* Son of a bitch! (after respawning, blowing up enemies, or when soda machines don't work)
* Surprise, surprise, I need a keycard.
* This is why I have games named after me!
* Time for mutation-mutilation! (when GLOPP ray is selected)
* Time for a reboot! (when Duke encounters a robot/mech)
* Oops, I did it again! (when he blows up enemies, reference to the Britney Spears song)
* Time to deliver max pain on the A-Train...now where'd I put that subway token? (A reference to the video game Max Payne)
* Time to deworm the Big Apple...
* What a pussy! (after killing a fembot)
* What am I? A frog? (reference to the game Frogger as Duke tries to run between cars)
* Who want's to glow in the dark? (when GLOPP ray is selected)
* Confucius say... DIE!
* You talkin' to me? (reference to the movie Taxi Driver)
* You're goin' down faster than the XFL!
* You are the missing link. Goodbye. (Reference to the game show The Weakest Link)
* Your kung-fu's through! (after killing a mutant crocodile)
* Now I'm really pissed off! (after respawning)
* I hate pigs! (after killing a pig cop)
* Squeal like a pig! (when Duke encounters a pig cop)
* Hmmm...the other white meat (when Duke encounters a pig cop)
* Should've stayed in the swamp! (after killing a mutant crocodile)
* Sewer scum! (when Duke encounters a mutant rat)
* So much for the rat pack! (after killing a mutant rat)
* This'll be a barrel of laughs (when shotgun is selected)
* Take that, you dirty rat! (after killing a mutant rat)
* This room is bugged (when Duke encounters a mutant roach or fly)
* I kill bugs...DEAD! (after killing a mutant roach or fly)
* Batteries not included! (after killing a robot/mech)
* Moprhix and his glop rig are going down faster than enron. (Reference to the bankrupt Enron Corporation)

[edit] Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever (Yet to be realeased)

* [From trailer 1998 (E3)] I was born to rock the world!

(From teaser trailer released December 19th 2007)

* I'm lookin' for some alien toilet to park my bricks... Who's first?

* (From The Jace Hall Show, Episode 1 (5/31/08)) Duke's in a bad, bad mood!

Легенда форума
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 3035
Добавлено: 02-02-2010 14:06
а вот в этом видео дюк какбы общается сам с собой

Бог форума
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Добавлено: 04-02-2010 00:46
Меня вот например всегда интересовало, что за слово произносится в некоторых случаях? На слух звучит "Джиниэз".

Легенда форума
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Сообщений: 3035
Добавлено: 04-02-2010 10:07
эээ... хрен знает

Звезда форума
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Добавлено: 22-02-2010 12:00
это из какого Дюка?

Бог форума
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Сообщений: 3004
Добавлено: 22-02-2010 15:32
Из Zero Hour

Звезда форума
Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 1676
Добавлено: 22-02-2010 18:55
тогда ничего не знаю

Страницы: 1  новая тема
(((_NucleaR * ForuM_))) / Duke Nukem / Дюкизмы

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