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joinhim - HIM & 69 Eyes / The 69 Eyes / новое интервью с Юрки

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Добавлено: 17-12-2007 23:00

фото правда старые. Кто что думает по поводу интервью?

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 167
Добавлено: 29-12-2007 21:17
Angel Of Metal Interview with Jyrki from 69 Eyes Part 1
Angel Of Metal Interview with Jyrki from 69 Eyes Part 2
Angel Of Metal Interview with Jyrki from 69 Eyes Part 3

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 428
Добавлено: 29-12-2007 23:33
Блин, что-то у меня это интервью не открывается. Сноска то правильная?

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Добавлено: 30-12-2007 12:32
Проверила, все нормально...

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Добавлено: 30-12-2007 13:43
Прочитал. Есть нтересные моменты. Например про песню Sister Of Charity. А так.... поторение пройденного.

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Добавлено: 20-01-2008 10:28

Email Interview with Jyrki69
Location: Helsinki, Finland

MT: It has been ten months since our last interview and almost three years since I met you in London. A lot of things have happened for The 69 Eyes during that time and I am happy to have been around to see it all!

J69: The biggest change I think for us has been that we have a new management team which has really succeeded in rising us to new levels after "Devils" and already after "Angels". I think the next album will be really important to take us still much further. We are a cult band and most likely going to remain like that but I still think there's bunch of people out there who should hear about us and our music, get bitten by Helsinki Vampires...I can sense that!

MT: You just spent almost a year touring the world. How does it feel to be home and what have you been doing to keep yourself busy?

J69: Like you have seen, Helsinki has a great Baltic sea nature surroundings, I like doing outdoor sports like jogging (or cycling in the summer) - I need to see horizon, I need to breath the sea! Movies, books, new records, the usual rock 'n' roll updates, going to see some rock 'n' roll shows like Alice Cooper, New York Dolls, Marilyn Manson etc. And, well, I also like travelling, so I've been around like in Dubai and Paris...

MT: What are The 69 Eyes plans for 2008? New CD? Can you give us any details on the next CD? Touring? (US & International) What are you looking forward to the most in 2008?

J69:We've just released a new live album "Hollywood Kills - Live At The Whisky A Go Go"! That's a fucking cool one! Meanwhile, we're playing a bit here in Finland (it's about the time) and maybe doing some shows abroad, let's see. Mainly we're already writing for the next album, we want to get it out fast! So, as the summer goes at the festivals and the end of the summer in the studio, I think we will tour in the US EARLIEST in the end of this year...

MT: Are you overwhelmed by the support you guys receive from your fans and Street Team worldwide?

J69: For sure! I just wish we had more resources to organize things, so we could have more time to do meet 'n' greets and straight support from us to the street teams. When you're on the road, sometimes you're really out of the scope what's going on and it's a shame not to have a chance for meet 'n' greets etc. I promise we will pay much more attention for this, since we really doing this not ONLY because of our rock 'n' roll dreams but for yours also! I try also to keep you guys updated about our studio schedule etc by dropping some blogs to our MySpace and Trig sites...

MT: Looking back on 2007. Give me three of the top highlights that either made an impression on you or left you with a positive/negative memory. "I will never forget..._____________".

J69: I will never forget the making of the "Never Say Die" video, the tours with Cradle Of Filth and Within Temptation and the midsummer US tour = those were the best times of my life last year!

MT: Anything special you would like to share on the subject of UNICEF or your work for them as Goodwill Ambassador?

J69: I will do more cool and important things for them in the near future...

MT: If a 69 Eyes movie were made what actor would you want to play each of you guys? The actors MUST BE alive!

J69: It would be a bunch of unknown actors chosen by director Cameron Crowe!

MT: Anything else you would like to share with us?? Wants/desires/fears/hopes/wishes/dreams?

J69: I just want now to concentrate on our next album - I want it to be f*ckin' HARD.

MT: Message for your fans!

J69: Stay righteous!

Jyrki69 - Helsinki, Finland, Jan.16th, 2008

Jyrki69 - 2008:

Eye Color: Blue
"Natural" Hair Color: Black
Favorite Movie of 2007: HEROES tv series, Alpha Dog
Favorite Song of 2007: anything by Amy Winehouse
Favorite bands (at this time): Led Zeppelin, Steppenwolf
Favorite US City: many - NYC, SF & LA of course, but also San Antonio, New Orleans...
Favorite International City: Dubai, UAE
Best gift you received in 2007: You mean a fan gift? Somebody gave me a HEROES' 1st season box set! Now I love HEROES!
Favorite Scent (cologne): Chic Shaik Arabia ¹70 pour homme
Favorite thing to do when you are not on tour: travelling ;-)
Favorite American saying/slang: You guys rock!
Favorite sound: R2-D2

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 428
Добавлено: 20-01-2008 10:49
Огромное спасибо! Сажусь читаать!

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Сообщений: 167
Добавлено: 22-08-2008 01:29
The Host = H
Jyrki = J

H: In Yle X it's ten past seven and it's a live-interview time. This time in our live-interview we have Jyrki 69, good evening.

J: Good evening and happy new year.

H: Yeah, happy new year as well, it has been 2008 for nine days, how does this year 2008 seem to you?

J: It has started peacefully but we are starting off again. We had a small break, the last gigs were in England in mid-December and after that we have been on Christmas holiday and we start at full speed again.

H: Is this Christmas holiday a rare treat for 69 Eyes and for you, since you are an extremely busy person?

J: Well, it is something that we have really agreed on that on Christmas we never do anything. I dig Christmas and want to celebrate it, about 4 years ago on Christmas we shot the video for 'Lost Boys' and some of us actually spent the Christmas Eve in Hollywood Bar & Grill, because we finished the shot then and couldn't come home for Christmas. It was nice in a way, but on the other hand after that we have made this agreement that Christmas is Christmas and the 69 Eyes celebrate Christmas. Period. And now we have celebrated also the Epiphany and put the Christmas tree back in to the coffin and the coffin on top of a wardrobe and now we wait for the Christmas next year but until then we work hard.

H: Yeah, of course in the case of The 69 Eyes the Christmas tree is put in to a coffin, not thrown in the trash.

J: Yeah, coffin case.

H: The 69 Eyes has released a lot of material over the years, albums, singles, photobooks, live-DVD's and so on and the logical next step is a live-album 'Hollywood Kills Live At The Whisky A Go Go' which is released next week. Is there something else that could be published in the future by The 69 Eyes?

J: Do you mean like formats?

H: Like a remix album, or..?

J: Well, actually, I've been thinking about that and that could be quite cool you know, we could get together an album full of cool remix-stuff that could be played in goth clubs as a background music. It could work... That's one of the things I've been suggesting, but we'll see if it'll be done at some point. Then on the other hand we have a live-album coming out now, which is a rather old-school format. It's our first live-album ever and before we have released a Helsinki Vampires DVD, which is like a visual thing and it's been shot at Tavastia. And that was a hell of a long time ago, maybe like 6 or 7 years ago, so it would be a good time to release another live DVD soon...

H: Yeah, will 'Live At The Whisky A Go Go' be....this is unbelievably hard to pronounce by the way...

J: Oh really?

H: I am going to call it as 'Hollywood Kills'-album from now on..

J: Ok.

H: Yeah, so is this going to be released as a DVD?

J: Well...there are parts of it in, if someone can still find this special version of the 'Angels'- album...There are some videos there and some live-stuff from this particular gig. But I think that sooner or later 'Whisky A Go Go' will be released as a DVD as well, at least as a part of some DVD. I mean that it won't come out on it's own as a live DVD, but as a part of some greater whole. We'll put together this bigger package of stuff where there will be leather pants and skirts as a special treat (laughs).

H: Yeah, yeah...And it will be released in a coffin-shaped box of course?

J: Well...we'll see about the shape later. Isn't that coffin thing a little old? Misfits did a great job at that so we'll try and find some other shape.

H: Yeah, we just talked about remix-albums and all the other stuff that The 69 Eyes could make and I have a couple of ideas for you guys. I really think my ideas are just superb, first of all a cover-album, which is a real possibility, but also an album for children.

J: Well, actually a little while back there was this 'Ipanapa' childeren's album that came out and I did some material for it but I don't know if it was too bad-ass stuff that I made or what but my material never made it on the album.

H: Really?

J: Yes, yes.

H: But that's brilliant.

J: I hope that my material makes it on the next album, if all things go well. So I have given it a go and that children's album sounds really neat. I don't shy away from that and every time that we start making a new album I say that we should have a Christmas song on it. I always say that we should do it now, because I am an Elvis-fan and Elvis did a cover-album, blues-album and a country-album and an album for kids and a Christmas-album so I think that for every self-respecting rock-and-roll band that knows the history it is essential that also Christmas-related material comes out or that material for kids is released. Thanks for the ideas I'll keep them in mind.

H: All right. Of course at the point when a kid's album comes out I'll be knockin' on your door demanding some kind of payment. You were happy about this kid's album thing then?

J: Yeah, it was great. But once again our die hard fans have no need to be afraid, our next album won't be a kids album.

H: Now, we'll listen to some music from your live album, the song is called 'Devils' and it was your first choice. We'll talk more about your new album after that.

J: 'Devils' was a big thing at that time, because 'Hollywood Kills' was recorded in 2006 on our first U.S tour and it's kind of a mid-step in the history of The 69 Eyes. First the 'Devils' album came out and then all kinds of things happened and then we did our first U.S tour and our last gig was the gig at Whisky A Go Go. After that our minds were blown by this whole thing and that inspired us to make the 'Angels' album, where these themes are dealt with. And on the other hand this could be a seal for our Hollywood-files in a way that this subject is pretty much over and done with. But 'Devils' is a song we used to open our gigs with at that time and it goes down pretty well at that and I am not ashamed of it. But it is a live-album and so my singing is all over the place and the guitar is on and off and it is kind of old-school as it should be. In my opinion live-album is not supposed to sound too clean. The best live-albums are kind of bad quality and this is not bad quality but a little towards that, it has the edge.

H: Ok, and here was the song 'Devils' from 'Hollywood Kills Live At Whisky A Go Go', even though I swore I wouldn't say the whole name of the album again.

J: You did well.

H: The album starts with this song, did the gigs really start with this song?

J: Yeah, as I said this was from the tour after the 'Devils' album and it was the opening song for it heated up the audience. We have used it later on too and last year when we did like 125 gigs, on half of the gigs we played it as a last song and it woke the people up. It's fun to build the dramatics on gigs, like what song to play when. If you think about a whole album, there’s the point when the band fights in a studio which song to put on an album as song number 8 and 9, like who has the time to listen whole albums at home anymore? People listen them in pieces, on their way to school and work. Live gig is different, you think about the construction of it differently because it is a recorded evidence of our skills. I think that because we have released one album after that that we have a lot harder set nowadays, which you can come and see here in Finland soon as well.

H: The reason I asked if the gig in Whisky A Go Go really start with this song was because you see it a lot with this live-albums that songs are put in completely different order.

J: No, no that is the correct order. To be honest, I have been afraid of listening to this because I have just not had the energy. I have browsed through this thing a couple of times now and there are some dear things to me in this (shows the CD-booklet) and I have listened to my own mid-speaks. One thing of authenticity is this that I have this habit of covering the microphone a little with my hand when I sing, which is not that great when you are recording a live-gig, so my voice is just mumbling at some points.

H: Yeah, it is not all that strange to re-record for example vocals for live-records.

J: Yeah, I would be too much strain on my nerves to do that so luckily we did not have to. And actually this gig went so unbelievably well. You would think that you'd get nervous but we kept our cool and I actually think that I did not even mess up the words or anything. Sometimes it happens that I stare too long at someone, like there could be this good-looking girl who is trying to send me a message or then is just blinking her lashes for some other reason or whatever and then my mind goes blank and I forget the lyrics or something like that.

H: What happens then? Do you start to speak English all funny?

J: No, At that point...what happens at that point...I do not really...

H: Do you switch to Finnish and maybe curse a little?

J: No, nothing like that, I think I just repeat some line a few times or something but I've heard that like Ozzy Osbourne has sung the same line for entire song. But that has never happened to me, but when something breaks your concentration and you start to think about something else it is difficult. I am an example of this saying that men can only do one thing at a time and in that kind of situation it really shows.

H: Ok. Whisky A Go Go is a legendary place that has been operating for 40 years now in L.A. Was it planned that when you have a gig in that legendary place you will record the live album there?

J: No, it was a coincidence. Our U.S tour that lasted for a month ended there and the previous night we had been playing in N.B.C TV-company’s ‘Last Call Carson Daily’-show as a musical quest and we played a couple of songs there. It was shot in Burbank right next to Hollywood. ‘Last Call Carson Daily’- show airs right after ‘Conan O-Brien’-show. I actually think that we are the only Finnish band that has ever played in any American talk-show. It went really well and a lot of our fans were there and the talk-show production staff was astonished about what on earth is going on? A vampire or goth meeting? We knew well before hand that our gig at Whisky A Go Go had been sold out and so all the pieces clicked and EMI Finland backed us up and was responsible for recording our gig and the band did quite well. And that was it.

H: Ok. When talking about The 69 Eyes, I guess a live album is a necessity because you have so much other stuff coming out like calendars and photobook and stuff.

J: Yeah it is funny that this live album doesn’t come out until now.

H: How important was to you guys personally hat some day you have to have a live album coming out?

J: Well, this was actually not planned in any way and our record company started hinting that ok, you have recorded this why not publish it. We were kinda like no way, but actually I realised working on this that it was great fun and this was a damn good time. ‘Angels’ came out a year ago so this is new material for fans for a while and gives us a peace to work on our next album, which we are working on intensely at the moment. Our guitarist has written some excellent riffs and after this I am excited to go play our new demo.

H: How far along are you in terms of your new album?

J: At demo-stage. In all our albums we have a horror song and I think that is ready. We have tons of ideas and we are getting there.

H: ‘Devils’ and ‘Angels’ are available in the same box with some special materials.

J: Yeah, It looks kind of quickly made, I got it myself and it is still kinda cool, seriously. You know, some of the stuff you’ve made yourself looks great and you notice thinking that this is something I’d buy myself, if I did not get it free from the record company because I am in it.

H: You spoke a lot that there’d be a trilogy ‘Devils’, ‘Angels’ and something else.

J: Yeah, well I say a lot of things and in most cases I keep my word, but now I have a slightly different thing going on here and I think this pair ‘Devils’/’Angels’ will remain as a pair. We have been doing this 69 Eyes saga thing on and off with the same people for ten years now and we’ll see if someone else will get something new into this or at least something a little different. Nothing dramatic, but...

H: New winds?

J: Nah, that’s a wrong word too, but we’ll take everything that we have to give, everything possible. So far we have been taking everything we have to give especially working and touring the whole of last year insanely, so now we should answer to those things that have been said about us a long time ago, even in Finland. I think it’s time for us to make that all-time ultimate rock-and-roll album. It has been a year since ‘Angels’ and maybe it is not our high-way to hell so to speak and we still have that to accomplish.

H: Great, this is starting to sound good.

J: You know, like the kind of album that no one would have anything to say about it other than The 69 Eyes have finally made it. So that no one would have any shit to say about us. Until then you can wonder about our live-action there. That’s one hard album.

H: Now we are going to listen to ‘Brandon Lee’ from ‘Hollywood Kills’, which is the final song. Thank you Jyrki 69 and all good to you.

J: Bye bye sweetiepies, ciao ciao!

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