History of band in English!!! Special for English visitors!

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Форум рок-группы IRBIS / Группа / History of band in English!!! Special for English visitors!

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Группа: Участники группы
Сообщений: 923
Добавлено: 23-01-2007 23:26
The idea of creation of the group executing music in stylе Hard Rock and Heavy Metal has arisen at Max Levushkin and Valery Morgunov (musicians of band the Wolf Dream) in 2005 year. Development it has received after leaving Valery from band the Wolf Dream. Max starts to write music, and Valery texts for the future band. But rehearsals at group pass extremely seldom, mainly houses at Valery Morgunov. For this time draft records have been made some. Intensive search of musicians is conducted. In the autumn of 2005 year Max meets old friend Anatoly Zhemir. Having communicated some time with Anatoly (for that period Anatoly plays to band Super Duper and the Wolf Dream on a bass-guitar), Max learns, that Anatoly perfectly sings and immediately suggests it to take a place of the vocalist in new band which for that moment still had no the name. Anatoly agrees. The band at last finds name Irbis (there were some variants, but it is participants of band have counted as the best). After a while Anatoly results in band of drummer Vyacheslav Tsupikov and guitarist Evgenie Efremov and 23.02.2006 the first official rehearsal of band took place. Guys have quickly put into operation and now prepare for the debut program. Official date of a birth of band 23.02.2006.

So, has passed almost year!!! It would seem, too short term for continuation of the story about band, but, nevertheless, we shall try...
23.02.2006. The first rehearsal took place. For the beginning three songs from earlier prepared have been chosen, have begun work with a song "Flight", then " You have disappeared... ", " Follow me " and has gone has gone!!!
08.04.2006. The band for the first time has seemed on a stage of small club " Plehanov ". Instead of the planned five songs has sounded eight!!! Improvisation has begun!!! " As to you your performance? ", I have taken an interest after a concert. " It is bad! ", almost in a unison participants of group have declared. In the upset feelings the group has left club and has directed to the next PUB.
Having made the analysis of the mistakes, having fixed a material, the band has continued work.
18.06.2006. Unexpectedly for everything, Irbis have taken part in anniversary festival of the newspaper " MK " which passed in the Sports Complex "Luzniki", but this time, the band has not struck in a dirt the person though played an another's song!!! Business go uphill!
25.06.2006. IRBIS appear on a stage in club " Relax ", having taken part in this modular concert, children have proved to all and first of all to themselves if to aspire and work, it is possible to achieve desirable on 100 %!!!
After that concert the band has left on a bottom, but not for a long time!!! Have decided to make short holiday to gain strength before a forthcoming season. It has appeared knowingly!!!
In the end of July the band has received the offer to give a concert in a Salekhard, will agree not close. Have naturally decided to risk. Long persistent rehearsals, at studio in Moscow State University of Culture and Art have gone.
But one unpleasant news has upset musicians, Valery Morgunov cannot go on tour, on objective circumstances. Were upset, but there's nothing to be done, it is necessary to search for an output. And it quickly was. The bass was taken by Anatoly Zhemir, like it began to turn out. ОК!!! Here they already in a way, road not close, two days all the same.
09.09.2006. Have arrived, all as is necessary, the hotel, the bus, dinners at restaurant, have stepped onstage,-1С, it is snowing with a rain, but it only has strengthened spirit.
The concert has passed on hurrah!!!
The band has come back to Moscow, and has there and then started to prepare for a trip to St.-Petersburg, this time there fest, passed one. But little bit later, for couple of days before departure, musicians have decided to refuse the given action. Why, they to tell have refused!?
On road from Salekhard Evgenie Efremov has decided to leave group... Having arrived to Moscow, all band have met for serious conversation. Valery Morgunov, has soon left group on personal circumstances. But, nevertheless, both Valery Morgunov, and Evgenie Efremov to this day remain friends to group, meet, "have a rest" also support each other!!!
There comes stagnation... In band remain Vyacheslav Tsupikov, Max Levushkin, Anatoly Zhemir.
Search of the guitarist begins.
After a while, the guitarist was. It has appeared Alexander Shkunkov. The excellent guitarist! The bass remains at Anatoly Zhemir. At present the structure of band IRBIS is those: Vyacheslav Tsupikov, Alexander Shkunkov, Max Levushkin, Anatoly Zhemir!
Have started to rehearse... All is excellent, the band grows!!!
Now musicians work above the first single which release is planned on the beginning of March 2007!

Добавлено: 05-02-2007 13:26
Ни "цензура" себе

Добавлено: 08-02-2007 23:03
has arisen at Max Levushkin and Valery Morgunov (musicians of band the Wolf Dream) in 2005 year

was arisen)

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 65
Добавлено: 09-02-2007 20:23
has arisen at Max Levushkin and Valery Morgunov (musicians of band the Wolf Dream) in 2005 year

was arisen)

Был возникнут??? Или был справлен? Че-то я не уловил .

Группа: Участники группы
Сообщений: 923
Добавлено: 09-02-2007 23:57
has arisen at Max Levushkin and Valery Morgunov (musicians of band the Wolf Dream) in 2005 year

was arisen)

Был возникнут??? Или был справлен? Че-то я не уловил .

Я кстати тоже)))

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 12
Добавлено: 15-02-2007 22:53
was arisen by Max Levushkin and Valery Morgunov (musicians of the band "The Wolf Dream") in 2005 year

"The Wolf Dream" - не знаю, как там, у них, с артиклем или без?

Группа: Участники группы
Сообщений: 923
Добавлено: 15-02-2007 23:48
Вроде с артиклем!

Добавлено: 26-02-2007 23:32
ребята..ваще то ВОлчий Сон не изменяется даж если на английском типа как большой театр Bolshoy ак и ВС удет Volchii Son//граматеи..
ет я вам как лингвист говорю

Группа: Участники группы
Сообщений: 923
Добавлено: 27-02-2007 00:41
ребята..ваще то ВОлчий Сон не изменяется даж если на английском типа как большой театр Bolshoy ак и ВС удет Volchii Son//граматеи..
ет я вам как лингвист говорю

Это понятно, только вот это мало интересует американских форумчан!

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Форум рок-группы IRBIS / Группа / History of band in English!!! Special for English visitors!