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Академик HIMических наук
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 765
Добавлено: 30-04-2006 10:45
Ему гордость не позволяет
А почему Расмусам позвоялет?

Академик HIMических наук
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 693
Добавлено: 01-05-2006 00:07
Химики дожили до такого возраста, что они не будут разъежать по маленьким городам, вот им гордость и не позволяет...
А расмус молодняк, хочется деньжат заработать, вот он и будет ездить. А лет через пять возможно тоже как Вал будет только в Америку, Австралию, Японию и т.д. стремиться...

Академик HIMических наук
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 765
Добавлено: 01-05-2006 13:52
А может Валыч сам лет через 5 поедет по городам и селам..

Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 141
Добавлено: 01-05-2006 22:01
М-даааа лет через пять ему гордость вообще не позволит куда либо ездить. Все будут ездить к нему сами....

Академик HIMических наук
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 765
Добавлено: 01-05-2006 22:37
Все и так уже ездят...

Академик HIMических наук
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 765
Добавлено: 06-11-2006 16:10
How to become the ultimate HIM fan...
The Music
everything was better in 2000
HIM are the absolute number one on your list of favourite bands, and always will be. However, the band itself doesn’t count; what’s important is that Ville looks good. Oh, and the music is still good, even though everything was previously better. “Previously” means in 2000, when Join Me came out, and the following years in which Mr. Valo had the brilliant idea to walk around with a tophat and a marked coat.
Therefore it is logical that Razorblade Romance is your favourite album, or, if you want to pretend you’re a hardcore fan, Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666. In the latter case you have to be a real Goth though, and be able to prove that you’ve been in Finland in 1998 (in case of doubt, fake the flight tickets). If anybody asks you why you prefer that album, say it’s because the guitar was still tuned to H and fuzzed back then – it doesn’t matter if you know what that means.

Dark Light is the song that you have to hate – although only within the scope of adoration. Just say that the mix sounds wrong, but the idea is great. What matters is that it isn’t Villes fault!
You dislike all videos Bam Margera filmed, no matter how good they are, because he wants to steal Ville from you.

Other modern bands you’ve got to like are Negative and Panic! At the Disco, simply because every HIM fan likes them – only because in the beginning, everybody thought they sounded just like Love Metal.
You’ve also got to like the 69 Eyes, and you have to pay homage to them because they discovered Ville – you don’t need to know how exactly they did so.

If somebody asks you about it, just say that Black Sabbath and Iggy Pop are the grandmasters, no matter if you know them or not. Neil Young and Type O Negative are good as well, and basically everything that’s from Finland (but the Boomfunk MCs).

If you want to look real cool, you’ve got to say you know Blake and like Carcass and Fields of the Nephilim. Crazy errors in your musical taste must include the Bloodhound Gang and CKY (even though you still hate Bam!).
You may never like the Beatles!! Never, ever.
Other than that, everything that sounds dumb but like Ville would like it (like Cradle of Filth) is allowed.

Things you should hate
Jonna & Bam!! Argh.
There are things a real HIM fan has to hate, simply because they’re in her (yes, there’re no male HIM fans) way. Number one on this list are Ville’s close friends; first and foremost a woman called Jonna, who has the terrible burden to be Ville’s fianc&#233;e. At best you threaten to hurt her when she does something bad to Ville again (it isn’t proven that she ever did, but you take it as a fact), or you just defame her in the cheapest way you can think of (e.g. “I hate that bitch!”).
Of course you also have to hate Bam, unless you’re from Pennsylvania. Bam only wants to interfere in your non-existent relationship with Ville and make him gay (which Ville isn’t, of course, even though he looks like it. But you know better.). He is untalented and a stupid groupie, who copied Ville’s tattoos – not like you, though. You’re different, not just because you don’t know Ville personally.

Furthermore, you hate everything that’s got to do with “Non-Smoking” and says/writes that HIM are being reduced to Ville’s looks. Because that’s not the case at all (before you say that, you should make sure that you know the band member’s names though – it’s not as hard as it sounds, trust me).

Things you should love
Tavastia Klubi = Mekka
First and foremost, you love Ville. The best thing you can do is to emphasize the fact that you want to fuck him. Of course you also love the band, although your love is only platonical, because you really wouldn’t give a fuck about them if it wasn’t for Ville. You can’t admit that, though!
Another person you love is Bam, though you hate him. You love him whenever he comes up with something exclusive like Bam vs HIM – ok?
You also love everybody who doesn’t want to steal Ville away, like his family. Your biggest dream is to visit “Aikuisten Lelakauppa” – you don’t need to know what exactly that is, because you’re at least mentally too immature to go there.

Moreover, you love everything about Finland. Most important is a club called Tavastia in Helsinki, where there’s a festival called Helldone every new year’s eve. All real HIM fans make a pilgrimage at least once in their lifes like Helldone was Mekka, and so do you. If possible, you go every year, even if you dislike the lineup.

You have to love Black Sabbath like Ville does, but you don’t need to know more about them than you can learn in an episode of “The Osbournes”, the music doesn’t matter. The only songs you need to know are Black Sabbath and Hand of Doom, so you can recognize them when HIM cover them.

You like dildos and androgen looking dudes (not the ones wearing skirts though! Ville would never wear a skirt!), weird literature (just reply “Charles Bukowski” if somebody asks) and tattoos (the bigger, the better).

Your looks
You have to wear black, all the time, day and night! Because HIM aren’t gothic, but all their fans are pseudo-goths. That’s because back in the day, ille thought it was a good idea to dye his hair black and wear long leather coats. Nowadays, beige is also acceptable, but most fans haven’t gotten around to accepting it yet.
Depending on what HIM period you prefer, you have to either wear a tophat or a suit that looks like it was made from an old sofa and a red velvet scarf. If you’re poor, you might as well glue a fake moustache made from pubes into your face and run around like Jack Sparrow. Unfortunately you can’t just let it grow, because you’re a girl.
For daily usage, bandshirts are the best. You can easily get them at Hot Topic. Prefer shirts by Black Sabbath, The Stooges and The Rolling Stones (in the latter case, you have to cut off the sleeves though). A light blue Adidas shirt would be nice, too.
In the end, it doesn’t even matter, as long as one can see your HIM tattoos – preferably right over your asscrack or on your forehead.

Your pants should be as tight as possible, unless you’re fat – in that case, opt for skirts.

No matter what season, you always war a beanie (or a top hat). Your hair should be brown and at shoulder-length – just like Villes. Long and blonde is also acceptable (like Lindes old look). Dreads are not so cool, unless you smoke weed.

You should always wear black eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara. Your complexion has to be pale!! If you talk, make sure your jawbones don’t move alike – try to have the impression of a camel.

The only bags you can accept are either original HIM handbags from Hot Topic (basically, all you wear is from that store) or army bags covered with senseless patches. You can fit everything important in there; first and foremost, a camera and a textmarker, in case you meet Ville in your local village in the middle of Nebraska (which is unlikely, but you never know).

It is important that you always have a depressive look on your face, and act like the world’s burdens rest upon your shoulders. Always look at people like you’re evil and want to kill them. For coolness-enhancement, cut your arm and say it’s a razorblade romance. Remember: love sucks, and death rocks. You've also read the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey.

Your apartment
Most important is mainly that you never ever clean up. That’s sooo uncool. Cool are brimful ashtrays and empty beerbottles. Instead of curtains, you use black plastic bags – like Ville! You don’t need wallpaper because your walls will be soon covered with HIM posters anyway. Those you can get for free by reading your favourite magazine, Kerrang.

For decoration, you can use dildos and everything that has heartgrams on it. Instruments aren’t bad either, even if you can’t play them. You can still scribble something on them and pretend Ville wrote it.

Your room should smell like old cigarette-smoke and patchouli. You don’t need a shower, only a bathtub, and you always piss next to the toilet (because the prophet – Ville – said to do so).

The Internet
The internet is your friend (and hopefully the only place where you find people that think like you do)!
It is important that you end every sentence with !!!!111one!eleven. For example: “OMG Ville is, niinku, ubercute !!!!!!111111one!eleven”. You should ignore correct spelling and leave out any complicated words.
Good websites about Ville always have “666” in their URLs, and are hosted on free servers. There, you will also find messageboards where you can leave messages like “OMG he looks so gorgus (sp?)!!!11one!eleven” and thereby find friends. But you guys should never meet at a concert, because you will fight about who can stand 4 metres in front of Ville and get pregnant by that. Those fights usually last longer than Ville stays – and you wanted to get to know him, and be his homie to achieve uber-coolness!
It is also a good idea to brag about how many HIM shows you’ve already been to. On American websites, 11 are sufficient to impress people, on European ones it should be more than 35 – or simply 66.6. Furthermore, you’re either euphoric about everything HIM do or you just wallow in reminiscences and say you hate the band’s development. If you do so, it is also important to emphasize that you know that Ville takes drugs. You know it! Nobody else does, but you can try to convince them.

Your avatar must always include Ville and pink glitter. The longer your signature, the better. You can for example quote finnish lyrics that everybody knows by heart but doesn’t know the meaning of.

Your standard font is called “Mason”.

Your interests
Your one and only interest is Ville, even though you like the band, too. But they’re just servants to their master (Ville).
Other interests are: going to Helsinki (every year!), smoking (but only Marlboro Lights!), Drinking (preferably J&#228;germeister and german beer) and ... fucking. But you don’t admit that, you say that you’re faithful to your fictional boyfriend. You’re only sexually interested in Ville anyway.

You can also pretend you read loads (people know it’s not the case, but it always sounds good) and listen to music. To connect with the band, it would be good to know how to play chess. Having a driver’s license is incredibly uncool, and after all you’re moving to Helsinki soon anyway, where you can walk everywhere.

Oh, and of course you have a band! If your parents forgot to make you take flute classes in elementary school, simply become the leadsinger. It gets you the most money anyway, if you make it to the mainstream – Ville is the prime example of that particular point.

You’re the ultimate HIM Fan!!!11111one!eleven!


Просто пипец!!

Академик HIMических наук
Группа: Участники
Сообщений: 534
Добавлено: 08-11-2006 13:30
It is important that you end every sentence with !!!!111one!eleven. For example: “OMG Ville is, niinku, ubercute !!!!!!111111one!eleven”.

че то я про такое не слышала. это зачем??7

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