Matching values with foreign keys

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Жилые комплексы на Бухарестской - "Изумрудный Остров" и "Респект" / Компьютеры, сети / Matching values with foreign keys

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Добавлено: 21-08-2017 11:47

I know this is most likely databases 101, however I am having some trouble figuring out how to get values in to my foreign keys. I will explain my solution and aim of the database deign and how I setup my tables, hopefully I can get some insight into how I need to design this to get corresponding matches into my tables.

So lets say I have three tables; Employees, Department and Unit.

I am making somewhat of a mini-data warehouse and I have setup an autogenerated primary key to all three of these tables.

Within the Employee table I have a foreign key reference to the primary key in the Department's table (PK_DepartmentID) and the primary key the unit's table (PK_UnitID) setup.

I have also setup a foreign key in the unit's table (FK_DepartmentID) to refer to the primary key in the Department's table.

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Data warehousing video

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