Wanting to get certified for computer repair and networking

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Жилые комплексы на Бухарестской - "Изумрудный Остров" и "Респект" / Компьютеры, сети / Wanting to get certified for computer repair and networking

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Добавлено: 17-08-2017 11:10
I am currently studying for A+ certification. I guess I am wanting to know if it is worth it and if not what other good ways to get into the field are. I currently consider my knowledge to be advanced, but not good enough to pass the test (though I have never taken it.)

I am currently reading Mike Meyers A + Certification book All-in-one Other than talking about registries so far it is pretty simple and straight forward (about half way through.) It does get into a lot of stuff I never use on my PC like groups. While I am familiar with how the registry works I have bad luck doing registry tweaks in the past and kind of avoid them.

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