Best option for computer networking away from router?

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Жилые комплексы на Бухарестской - "Изумрудный Остров" и "Респект" / Компьютеры, сети / Best option for computer networking away from router?

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Добавлено: 17-08-2017 11:08
I'm currently in a deadspot for my wireless router and it's very inconvenient to run a Ethernet cable all the way upstairs into my room. The wireless router is all the way downstairs and on the other side of the house.

I bought a powerline adapter and they sucked. I get that they normally wouldn't, but my house is old (1970) plus there's a lot of electrical interference.

I also may have the option to move my computer downstairs to have a direct connection to my router, but keep in mind THIS IS A LAST RESORT.

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Жилые комплексы на Бухарестской - "Изумрудный Остров" и "Респект" / Компьютеры, сети / Best option for computer networking away from router?

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