Connect 2 ip cams to pc through switch only?

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Жилые комплексы на Бухарестской - "Изумрудный Остров" и "Респект" / Компьютеры, сети / Connect 2 ip cams to pc through switch only?

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Добавлено: 11-05-2018 10:17
Hello everyone,

I have connected ip cams and access points directly to my pc before. All I did was:Plug into pc.Change the gateway to same one set in the device.Change the ip to similar as ip set up in the device.Change subnet to Type in ip of device into browser.This works no problem. But this time I want to connect 2 ip cams at the same time to my pc. If I connect the 2 cams to a switch and then directly to my pc without a router would this work as long as I give the 2 cams a different ip but same gateway or do I need a router?

Please help.

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

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Жилые комплексы на Бухарестской - "Изумрудный Остров" и "Респект" / Компьютеры, сети / Connect 2 ip cams to pc through switch only?

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