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РФ Вот, хорошо, давай говори по-русски! (That"s it, it"s good, do speak Russian!)
Драгана, приходи в "Беседку". (Соme to "Беседка".)
nijagara Спасибо Римма!
Я думаю, что русский красивый язык [sm6]
РФ Привет, Драгана!
I teach English. But I can explain Russian grammar too. The letter "е" is read as "э" after consonants, which become soft: сердце, небо, лебедь. And it is pronounced as "ye" at the beginning of the word, after vowels and letters "ъ", "ь": ели, съел, моей, семье. All that in the stressed position.
I like my native language. If you buy a manual of Russian, our lessons will be more productive.
Thanks for the appreciation. Learn one more Russian phrase:
Поздравляю с Новым годом! - Happy New Year!
And this is a short poem from Pushkin:
Под голубыми небесами
Великолепными коврами,
Блестя на солнце, снег лежит.
Прозрачный лес один чернеет,
И ель сквозь иней зеленеет,
И речка подо льдом блестит.
nijagara I think that I understand...яблоко /jabloko/; юла /jula/... But what about "e"? Do I read it as "e" normally: есть /esti/?

Yes, I love your lessons! I decided to buy course book for studying Russian and dictionary, then I'll be better student! [sm3]

Marta told me that you are teacher. Are you teaching Russian literature and grammar? I saw your messages for Sasha...Always some good poem! I like that! And this one is marvellous!
РФ I listened to July Andrews"s song in "Sounds of Music" and thought that such lines might coincide with Sasha"s world perception:
"Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens..
Wild gees that fly with the moon on their wings...
Silver-white winters that melt into springs...
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes..."