Sound City Silence Composition Competition, Germany

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Обмен информацией о музыкальных конкурсах и их обсуждение / Конкурсы композиторов, дирижеров / Sound City Silence Composition Competition, Germany

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Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 291
Добавлено: 15-03-2005 17:54
Sound City Silence Composition Competition, Germany

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 291
Добавлено: 15-03-2005 17:54
On the occasion of the octocentenary celebrations of the Saxon state Capital of Dresden, piano trio elole, cooperating with Sächsiche Landesbibliothek - state and university library (SLUB) -, will perform a composition contest and invite contributions. Staging will be supported by European Centre for the Arts Dresden-Hellerau. The artistic directorship of the Office of Anniversary Events 2006 has included this project in the programme of the festive year.

The composition contest Dresden 2006 - Sound↔City↔Silence applies to works for piano trio (violin, violoncello, piano).
Composers, both male and female, are eligible for participation in the contest. Members of the Jury and persons involved in organization of the contest are excluded from participation.
Demands on the composition
The work should aim to have a duration of about ten minutes.
The content of the composition should refer to the contest title: Dresden 2006 - Sound↔City↔Silence.
According to the three venues for the first performance (Hellerau Festival Hall, church, factory hall), spatial
arrangement of the musicians can be an element of the composition. Ground plan details etc. will be found on the web site (as soon as possible). Nevertheless, it is recommended not to prescribe one of these places for performing the composition.
Compositions sent in ought not to have been published nor premièred before the concert with the prize-winners' works. Five clearly-readable scores should be submitted plus an additional complete set of parts if this is sensible for the performance.
To guarantee impartiality, works should be submitted anonymously and marked with a code word. A sealed envelope labelled with the title of the composition or the code word should contain the entrant's name, address, and short biography.
Closing date is October 31, 2005 by which time contributions have to have arrived at the following address:
Europaeisches Zentrum der Kuenste Hellerau
Re: Klang↔Stadt↔Stille
attn. Mr Geissler
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 56
D-01109 Dresden
A jury, including members of piano trio elole will select nine of the compositions sent in for the first performance by trio elole during the 20th Dresden Contemporary Music Festival in 2006. Another jury of five - among them a composer, an interpreting musician not involved in the procedure so far, and a critic - will select the three prize-winners from these nine works after their first performance. Another prize to be conferred is the audience award.
The prize-winners will be informed immediately. The juries are authorized to select less than nine compositions or to award not all prizes respectively. The juries' decisions are final and non-negotiable
The total available endowment amounts to 2,000 and will be shared out at the jury's discretion amongst the three prize-winners.
The three prize-winning works and the composition that has won the audience award will be performed once more in a prize-winners' concert in Dresden in December 2006.
The works selected by the jury will remain in the possession of SLUB. Materials sent in cannot be returned. Submitting composers assure that rights of third parties are not infringed. A publishing contract that may have been made before the first performance must contain the clause that the material will be placed at elole piano trio's disposal free of charge for this first performance. Any person submitting a composition must agree to the terms of the contest. The German version of the invitation text is binding.
Contact and information
Altrochwitz 10
D-01326 Dresden

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Обмен информацией о музыкальных конкурсах и их обсуждение / Конкурсы композиторов, дирижеров / Sound City Silence Composition Competition, Germany

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