International Lepo Sumera Composition Contest for Young Composers. Estonia

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Обмен информацией о музыкальных конкурсах и их обсуждение / Конкурсы композиторов, дирижеров / International Lepo Sumera Composition Contest for Young Composers. Estonia

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Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 291
Добавлено: 15-03-2005 17:48
International Lepo Sumera Composition Contest for Young Composers. Estonia

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 291
Добавлено: 15-03-2005 17:49
II International Lepo Sumera Composition Contest for Young Composers.


(1) The competition is open to all composers, irrespective of nationality, not older than 35 years on the closing date of the competition.
(2) Each composer may submit only one original work (arrangements and transcriptions are not allowed) which may not have been performed (neither in part nor as a whole) or won any other competitions before the closing date of the competition, November 25, 2005.
(3)The submitted work should feature the orchestra as a whole and should not include parts for voice or solo instrument and orchestra.


(1) The duration of the composition must be 9 - 13 minutes.
(2) The composition must use an orchestra of no less than 50 members, but may not require more instruments than the following maximum provided by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra i.e.: (incl: Fl. picc., Fl. G; C. angl; Cl. picc., Cl. b., C-Fag);, timpani (1); percussion (3), harp, piano/celesta; strings
(3) The competition has two rounds. The international jury will gather on January 15, 2005 to select the participants of the second round.
(4) No more than five participants will be selected to enter the second round. The finalists will be contacted for preparing the second round of the contest.
(5) Should publishing rights exist for the piece entered into the competition, the composer will be responsible for ensuring that the piece can be played by the orchestra without royalty charges.
(6) The composer gives the Lepo Sumera Society the right to premiere the work at the final concert of the competition.
(7) The works of the finalists will be performed in public at the opening concert of the festival "Estonian Music Days 2006" by the Estonian National Symphony Orchestra (April, 1, 2006, Estonia Concert Hall, Tallinn, Estonia).
(8) The allocation of the prizes will take place after the concert.
(9) Travel and accommodation expenses to Estonia of foreign participants that reach the second round will be covered by the organisers.
(10) Foreign finalists must arrange their own passports and visas.


(1) A submission must be posted on /or before November 25, 2005..
(2) The application documents must be submitted anonymously, i.e. the score and other documents may contain neither signature nor name on it. The scores of unsuccessful candidates will not be returned.
(3) The score must bear a distinguishing remark for identification purposes. The score must be presented in a clearly legible and reproducible final copy, which must indicate the exact instrumentation and duration of the work.
(4) There should be a sealed envelope bearing the distinguishing remark of the work enclosed with the score. The envelope should contain following information in typescript: distinguishing remark of the work submitted, name of the composer, date of birth, sex, nationality, address, telephone/fax number, e-mail address.
(5) The envelopes will be opened only after the selection of the finalist by the jury. The identities of unsuccessful participants will not be revealed.


The score and the sealed envelope must be submitted by November 25, 2005 to The Lepo Sumera Society at the following address:
"Lepo Sumera International Composition Contest " Lauteri 7c, 10145, Tallinn, Estonia


The panel of judges will consist of persons of proven reputation and experience in the field of contemporary music:
Régis Campo (composer, France)
Anders Hillborg (composer, Sweden)
Helena Tulve (composer, Estonia)
Rolf Wallin (composer, Norway)
Toomas Vavilov (conductor, Estonia)


First Prize: 5000 EUR
Second Prize: 3000 EUR
Third Prize: 2000 EUR
The jury reserves the right not to award any prizes if the works submitted are not of a sufficiently high artistic level.
The jury has the right to re-divide the prize amounts. The decisions of the judges are final. All prizes are exempted

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