Kazimierz Serocki International Composers' Competition Poland

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Обмен информацией о музыкальных конкурсах и их обсуждение / Конкурсы композиторов, дирижеров / Kazimierz Serocki International Composers' Competition Poland

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Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 291
Добавлено: 14-03-2005 20:54
Kazimierz Serocki International Composers' Competition Poland

Группа: Администраторы
Сообщений: 291
Добавлено: 14-03-2005 21:05
Условия 2004 года
Kazimierz Serocki 9th International Composers' Competition


1. The competitions is open to composers all ages and nationalities.
2. More than one score per composer is permitted.
3. All works submitted must be unpublished and must not have been performed. Works that have won anothers awards are ineligible.
4. The organisers reserve their rights to the first performance of awarded compositions.

1. Only compositions for string chamber orchestra (maximum: 6-6-4-3-1) without soloist will be considered.
2. Use of tape and live electronics is not permitted.
3. Duration: from 12 to 20 minutes.

The Main Prize of the ISCM Polish Section
sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Culture - US $ 5 000

The Mayor of the City of Warsaw Prize - US $ 2 000

The Culture Foundation Prize - US $ 1 500

The Society of Authors ZaiKS Prize - US $ 1 000

PWM Edition's Special Prize for the Youngest Winner - the complete set of CD's and scores "Masterpieces of Polish Music in the 20th Century"

William Kraft (USA)
Zygmunt Krauze (Poland)
Hanna Kulenty (Poland/Holland)
Luis de Pablo (Spain)
Richard Tsang (Hong Kong)

The decisions of the Jury are final.

1. The awarded compositions will be performed in June 2003 at a special concert organised by the ISCM Polish Section and Polish Radio. The concert will be broadcast live and offered to all members of the Europan Broadcasting Union.
2. The composer of the awarded works must provide all the performance materials at their own expense for a single performance.

1. The score should be submitted anonymously and marked with an emblem.
2. Any comment about the composition in the Polish or English language.
3. Sealed envelope marked with the same emblem should be attached together with the following data:

a) composer's full name,
b) date and place of birth,
c) nationality,
d) address, telephone, fax and e-mail address,
e) title and time of duration of the composition.

4. The entries should be sent to the following address:
ICM Polish Section (PTMW)
ul. Mazowiecka 11, 00-052 Warsaw, Poland

phone: +48 (22) 827 69 81, fax: +48 (22) 827 78 04,
e-mail: ptmw@emes.pl

The deadline for submission of scores is April 15th, 2004. The postmark is decisive.

1. Entry free for participants is 20 $ US for each score. 2. The amount should be transferred by bank (bank charges are the responsibility of a sender) to the following account:

ISCM Polish Section
Bank PKO BP XV O/M Warszawa
account number: 1310201156 123111 9931

3. The payment receipt must be enclosed with the submitted score.
4. Cheques will not be accepted.
5. The entry fee is not refundable.

1. Entry is the Competition is synonymous with acceptance of the Regulations.
2. Compositions not meeting the requirements stated in the above Regulations will not be admitted to the Competition.
3. Contentious case will be resolved based on the Polish version of the Regulations of the Competition.
4. The submitted scores will be returned only if this is expressly requested and the cost of postage has been paid.

since 1923
rok założenia 1923
ul. Mazowiecka 11, 00-052 Warszawa, Polska • tel. (+48 22) 827 69 81, fax. 827 78 04 • e-mail: ptmw@emes.pl
From 14th to 16th of May 2004 in Radziejowice Palace near Warsaw, took place the
Jury Meeting of the Kazimierz Serocki 9th International Composer’s Competition
98 scores were sent to the Competition’s from all over the world.10 works had to be
eliminated because they did not comply with the rules.
The Jury: Zygmunt Krauze (Poland) – Chairman, Hanna Kulenty (Poland/Holland), Ana Lara
(Mexico), William Kraft (USA) and Richard Tsang (Hong Kong), after the examination of the
submitted scores decided to give the following prizes:
1.The Main Prize of the Polish Society for Contemporary Music founded by the Polish
Ministry of Culture (USD 5.000) to Thoma Simaku (Albania/Great Britain) for the
composition “Plenilunio II per Orchestra d’Archi”.
2.The Second Prize founded by The Mayor of the City of Warsaw (USD 2.000) to Carlo A.
Landini (Italy) for the composition “Concerto da camera per 13 archi”.
3.The Third Prize founded by The Culture Foundation (USD 1.500) to Stefano Bonilauri for
the composition “Otto Variazioni”.
4.The Fourth Prize founded by The Society of Authors ZAiKS (USD 1.000) to David Mark
Richey (Great Britain) for the composition “Tableaux”.
5.PWM Edition’s Special Prize for the Youngest Winner – the complete set of CD’s and
scores “Masterpieces of Polish Music in the 20th Century” to Stefano Bonilauri.
The awarded compositions will be performed on 6th of June 2004 at 8pm, during a special
concert organised by the ISCM Polish Section and Polish Radio Lutoslawski’s Concert Hall.

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Обмен информацией о музыкальных конкурсах и их обсуждение / Конкурсы композиторов, дирижеров / Kazimierz Serocki International Composers' Competition Poland

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